As of June 4th 2021, Munket is very pleased to present our very own patent-pending invention, the "Multilateral Online Exchange". We call it MOE for short.
Registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, MOE is a new technology we created to advance our mission of putting people first.
A prototype of MOE is undergoing software development and will soon be ready to serve our clients and partners alike.
With MOE, Munket aims to revolutionize old hiring practices. We are working with our legal team across the globe to give people MOE efficiency and higher quality candidates. Ultimately, MOE accuracy in job placement and lower attrition rates is what we hope to achieve.
MOE also has a dual purpose in archiving and organizing large amounts of data during mergers, acquisitions, spinoffs or divestitures. Data can be sorted methodically and easily retrieved during audits or used to track people migration activities.
If you're just excited as we are about MOE, click on the button below. We would love to see how MOE might come in useful to your specific business.